Tuesday 12 December 2017

Bucket list!

Everyone needs a bucket list. We all need to write our dreams down and start ticking them off as life is far too short to waste. Life goes by so quick and in the long run we only remember the best times of our lives. We won't remember all the bad days we had at work or the struggles with money and relationships, although it all may seem tough at times.
Dream big, live big. Life is only as good as you make it so enjoy every single second of it because before you know it, it will be gone. Know your limitations and defy them!
You don't have to write it all down now, do it bit by bit. Whenever you get inspiration look back, write more down, get creative and just remember no dream is ever too big!

My mum has been a big inspiration in my life, she has been all over the world and I want to follow in her footsteps. One can only dream she will join me one day in a few of my adventures. I look forward to all the memories we will make.

My bucket list is very long. I have mass amounts of things I want to do and see before I die and some even before I have children. I have done few already but with persistence I hopefully will complete it.
I will share most of them on here and hope some or all reading this will be inspired. I hate the thought of people not pursuing their dreams.

My bucket list:

Countries to see:

Sweden- I am part Swedish. As Sweden is part of my heritage I have started to learn the language, I know a bit but still more to learn. I would love to see Sweden and it is a part of me that I would love to embrace.

Switzerland- Ollie goes on and on about Switzerland. He has been before and says the slopes are insane. The thought of me on a snowboard terrifies me but you have to live dangerously once in a while. Before he mentioned the snowboarding he told me about the fondue, I was sold on Switzerland that very moment. I like cheese.

Italy- The food. Its all about the food over in Italy. I cannot get enough of Italian food, it is my favourite cuisine. Pizza, carbonara, lasagne etc. Yum! To see Tuscany would be amazing too. Vine yards and a beautiful countryside, ideal for some DSLR photography for Ollie. This is one of the countries I want to explore the most. So many sites to see. Rome, Venice, Florence, Tuscany, Naples and Pompeii.

Greece- The main reason I would like to visit Greece is for the mythology. It has always interested me and what better place to learn about it!

Japan- The home of all things anime. Although I don't like much anime, I grew up with Pokémon and it would be amazing to see where it came from. Tokyo looks to be an amazing city too. The tech is said to be brilliant and so innovative over there, it would be amazing to see how they work and what they have invented.

China- Of course, the one place people want to see when in China... the great wall. It goes on for miles, don't think I could handle walking that far but is definitely worth trying!

USA- I do want to see the whole of the USA but there is one place in particular, Alaska. I have dreamt of going to Alaska for a very long time. Into the wild is my all time favourite film and I would love to trek out and see the bus. I also want to see the Northern lights, I know you can see them in other places but seeing them in Alaska is my ultimate dream. Also, I really want to see a moose. They fascinate me.

New Zealand- One of Ollie's dreams is to either backpack or travel in a camper van around New Zealand, I am always up for an adventure and have incorporated his dreams into my own. Anywhere with Ollie is always perfect.

Germany - I have already been to Munich but there is so much more to do there. Ideally I would like to spend 2-4 weeks there and go all over. I want to see the concentration camps as upsetting as it may be, we hear about the war so much and it is a big part of the worlds history but how many of us are brave enough to see it?

Of course there are so many more but I'd end up writing a list of every country.

I don't want to write too much on this post so I will continue tomorrow with other parts to my bucket list.

Tpot x

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About me

My name is Sophie aka Teapot. I get called teapot as it goes in 1 ear and out the other. I also drink A LOT of tea. I am 22, Dorset born...